Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Reason behind the Name

Okay, so as some of you know I have wanted to write this blog for a while now, but I have been unsure about exactly what I wanted to say and who I wanted to reach. See, I have a BS in Religion which I sought because God called me to write devotionals and Bible Studies. It was not long after I realized that calling; when, God gave me a desire for women’s ministry. So, I have known I wanted to write a blog ministering to women, but the question was; what type of woman? Let’s face it at this point in my life God is ministering to me about being a godly wife and mother. Therefore, most of what I write will inevitably deal with those roles. However, as an ambassador of Christ I want to minister to all women. So, I will try my hardest to relate what God is teaching me trough my roles to every woman at every stage in life.

Now, I chose "Becoming a Woman of Proof" as my title because the last few months I have been reading in the New Testament. This go around the NT I noticed a trend with Paul. He always presents a proof as to why he is a credible witness of Christ's teachings; with every letter and every speech in Acts. It is my goal to live a life like his; a life of integrity, a life by which people can clearly see the fruits of Christ, a life of proof! Now, I am by no means there yet but with God's grace and guidance I become closer to becoming that woman every day. It is my hope that you will join me on my journey!

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