Friday, March 5, 2010


If you can't tell I am soooo glad this week is coming to an end! It wasn't all bad, but none the less stressful. First, we continue to have problems with our computer/internet, though, nothing as bad as last week. Second, our refrigerator in the garage were we keep our stock pile of food went caputs (?) along with everything in it. To top it off, we just bought groceries Saturday and discovered it was shot on Monday. Third, our difficult eater Jeremiah (Cherish will eat anything put before her in seconds flat) after months of improvement has decided to revert to his old behavior.

Wednesday night Jeremiah got sent to bed early for not eating his tuna steak. He hates all things fish and seafood, so I shy away from cooking them. I even stopped cooking my husband's favorite dish Shrimp Victoria all together, because Jeremiah has thrown up every single time he has had to try it. Trust me it is not an allergy! It's the texture. Anyway, my husband has been craving tuna steaks for weeks, so I finally got up the courage to make them, knowing it would to be a fight to get Jeremiah to eat. Since our rule is to eat everything on your plate I mostly gave the boy salad and beans (both of witch he LOVES, thank goodness). Then I split the smallest steak between him and his sister giving her the bigger piece. To no avail though, he chose to go to bed over even taking one bite. Well, I guess technically he did try one bite, but then he spit it out! So off to bed he went.

Last night, I made Mexican lasagna anticipating no problems, after all he loved it last time we ate it. In fact, he had seconds and thirds!!! Much to my surprise, this time he didn't even want to touch it. So, after an hour or so of threatening bed @ 5:30 he started eating tiny bites (the only reason I didn't make him just go to bed is because I would be the one getting punish when he woke up @ 4 a.m.). Finally, he got down to two bites, but then he decided he was done. Of course, we were like you have TWO bites left (pea size I might add), just finish it! When I proceeded to put the next bite in his mouth he started gagging and THREW UP all over the dinner table! UGH!!!! I think I have mentioned before that he has the most sensitive gag reflex, so when I say he threw up I mean he threw up everything.

Side note: We are so weary of Jeremiah's gag reflex we even left the restaurant we had lunch at on Sunday before we had a chance to eat our food. See, Jeremiah had too much salsa and started feeling sick to his stomach so we boxed up our food and left. You might think we are crazy but we were not going to have him throw up at another restaurant! That's right he's done it before! Three times to be exact. The first time he got a chip hung in his throat at Chuy's. The second time he had a stomach virus, though we had no idea until he threw up at Cici's. Finally, the last time he got cheese from a cheese enchilada hung in his throat at Rico's the very restaurant we were at on Sunday. So now you understand. If not let me just say I probably cleaned up puke around 100 xs in his first 18 months of life. See, for the longest time he would scream and cry when we put him in his crib for bed. It didn't take long for his voice to get hoarse and for the coughing to start. When that happened, we knew it was all over. I was going to be cleaning up puke, if one of us didn't go calm him down and rock him to sleep. Thankfully, when we converted his crib to a toddler bed he stopped screaming and went to sleep without any problems. So we clean up a lot less puke these days. However, when we do have to I can almost guarantee you 90% of the time it is Jeremiah's. So there's a little background on Jeremiah's gag reflex.

Now back to this week, as you can see it was not exactly a fun week. Although, I will say we had a few highlights. First we had two fun outings to the park this week. The weather here has been GREAT! Surprisingly, in the high 60's to low 70's all week, after a little sleet and snow in some areas last week. See, Texas truly is the bipolar state! That's why we love it; it's never the same old thing around here.

Second, my sister in-law took some pics of the kids this week. I can't wait to see them after she edits them! I promise to post them when she does.  Third, my husband and the kids got around to cleaning my van yesterday after the dinner debacle and we had family game night after that. Oh and tonight and tomorrow Josh and I will be attending a parenting conference at our church done by Dr. Richard Marks. I hope to share some of what I learn on Motivated Mommy Monday. 

Now to all of you from Friday Follow, I am so glad you stopped by. I hope I did not totally disgust you with all the talk about puke. Sorry, I just needed to vent a little. Anywho, please take some time to look around. I think you will like what you find (fingers crossed).

A little about me: I am a hard core servant of Christ! He is my life! In fact, I got a BS in religion so that I could write devotionals and Bible studies; although, for now I am a SAHM. I have two kids; Jeremiah who is 4 and Cherish who is two. Dispite this post I must say they are a blast! I love being home with them!!! In fact, they are the whole reason I have put my writing on hold. Well, not completely on hold, after all I started this blog so that I could still write a little. Though if you look around you will see my writing can be a little sporadic, I am still trying to figure out a blogging schedule that works for me.

Let's see, what else would you want to know? Well, I have been married to my husband for 5 yrs now and I love him more than ever. He truly is my best friend! I think if you look around you will see I mean that. Go ahead check out my posts on marriage (Wedded Wednesday's). You might also like my posts on parenting, prayer, and God. And there are even some posts for you readers and crafters. Please, feel free to look around and check things out.



  1. Hi Happy to follow you from the friday Follow! Hope to see you soon!!~

  2. Visiting from Friday Follow! I'm already a follower! Love for you to come visit and follow me!

    Have a great weekend!
    ~Shelley @ Shelley's Swag

  3. Stopping by from the "Friday Follow" and am now following your site as well.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I am joining FF, and follow you!

  5. Oh, bless you for cleaning up all that puke! That has got to wear on you...ugh. A clean van though does sound like a highlight, and I am just waiting for all our snow to melt so we can go to the PARK! YAY!! HAve a Great weekend. =)

  6. I am now following via FF..Have a great Friday.

  7. stopping by from #FF and following and hope you have time to stop by mine :)

  8. So sorry to hear about your fridge. That would make me unbelievably sad.
    Came over from Friday Follow. (Better late than never, right?)

  9. Hi Mel!
    I can so relate to the eating struggles. My son has cystic fibrosis and threw up constantly for the first 7 months of his life. When we finally got a diagnosis, he had developed feeding issues, so months and months of feeding therapy. He is still picky, esp. about textures. So I feel your pain! He's 10 now and it HAS gotten easier.

  10. Thanks Melinda, It is so comforting to hear from someone who has been through this that it does get better!


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