Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday's in His Tent: Getting to Know the Creator

I almost took the day off from the blogging world, because I'm a little worn out. Unfortunately, I had to take my husband to the airport in the wee hours of the morning and I've been busy every since. However, I just COULD NOT let that keep me from sharing the GLIMPSE of God I got this morning. Oh, and Thursday's are probably my favorite day to blog because they are all about my first love. So, let's get started:

This morning after I read a few chapters in James I decided to read a little out of "Jesus Drives Me Crazy" by Leonard Sweet (I absolutely love it!). One of the sections I read touched on how creative God must be to have made everyone of us unique. It got me thinking about how no two of us are alike, not even close. I mean it's not like there are only one or two differences between me and someone else out there, no there are tons!

I remember when I was growing up I was so desperate to find a "best-friend," someone just like me. Incredibly, I never found that friend (I had a lot of good friends but no one just like me), at least not where I was looking. I did eventually meet him when I was 14, I call him Friend or Jesus or God, etc. Ironically, I never found the kind of best-friend I was looking for because God never made her. No one on earth is like me, NO ONE.

There are a lot of people out there with similar looks, similar views, similar backgrounds, similar likes and similar dislikes, but still NO ONE just like me. Ha, I'M UNIQUE!! And so are you! Think about how incredibly intrinsic God must be to have made each of us so unique. I mean I like to think I'm pretty creative but my creativity is nothing compared to Gods. It's not even close, not even on the same scale. After all, he thought everything into being, out of NOTHING. Oh but it doesn't stop there, not only did he create everything different and unique but he created it so that it all works together for a purpose. How? How does he make it all work?

Do you think we can ever grasp all that he is? I mean when we get to heaven we will see him for ourselves and it will bring us to our knees. But even then, do you think we will really grasp all that he is? Or will we spend the rest of eternity trying to?

Just a glimpse,


1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I simply cannot fathom God's creativity!! I am going to LOVE spending eternity trying to know God more!!!
    Your blog looks GREAT!


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